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Inspiration Station

Can You Do Classical and Charlotte Mason Together?

What Does it Mean to Festina Lente?
Discover the classical education principles as outlined by Dr. Christopher Perrin, focusing on the concept of "Festina Lente" or "Make Haste Slowly." Delve into the ancient adage's meaning and relevance to education, emphasizing the balance between swift progress and prudent reflection. Uncover the potential impact of embracing this principle in modern classical schools, fostering a more fulfilling and enduring educational experience for students.

How Does Invictus Embrace Charlotte Mason’s Philosophy of Education?
Explore the Invictus approach to education, seamlessly blending Charlotte Mason practices with modern classical methods. Embrace narration, hymn and poetry memorization, art and music appreciation, nature study, cultural inclusivity, and foreign language learning. Uncover a holistic curriculum that bridges traditional and contemporary teaching philosophies for a well-rounded educational experience.

Has Art Ever Brought you to Tears?
Explore the profound impact of art on the soul, as expressed by Stella Adler. Delve into unexpected moments of connection, whether in an art museum, symphony, or natural setting, and how they evoke deep emotions and a longing for greater truths. Discover a personal experience of this connection through a painting by Diego Velazquez, prompting a reminder of hope, purpose, and the enduring influence of art.

Does What We Write Matter?
Reflecting on the profound concept of being made in God's image, and how it influences the appreciation for each student's unique perspective. Join the journey of unraveling young minds and embracing the privilege of understanding the thoughts and hearts of these image bearers.

Can Learning Facts Increase Wonder? Absolutely!
Exploring the Beauty of Synergy: Science and Art Converge in 'Sky Tree.' Delight in the journey of deepened nature appreciation through knowledge. Join the celebration of the enchanting blend of facts and fascination that sparks a newfound wonder.

Can Beautiful Art Uplift the Weary Soul?
Exploring #LateModernEra history and art's role in conveying powerful narratives. Reflecting on the impact of unsettling historical events and finding solace in thought-provoking artworks, like this piece by Mexican artist #JoseAgustinArrieta.

Are resolutions effective?
Explore how Jonathan Edwards, an 18th-century theologian, set life-changing resolutions at just nineteen years old. Drawing insights from his journey, we examine the effectiveness of resolutions in our modern lives. Inspired by Edwards, we reflect on personal resolutions, aiming for meaningful growth, improved relationships, and purposeful living. Embrace the legacy of Edwards as you embark on your own path of transformation this year.